Recertification Courses
Summer Session Details
Registration is Open Now!
- Summer I 2025: May 27, 2025 - July 4, 2025
- Summer II 2025: July 7, 2025 - August 15, 2025
- EDU-L369: Summer I- 6 weeks course, running May 27, 2025-July 4, 2025
- EDU-L369: Summer II- 6 weeks course, running July 7, 2025-August 15, 2025
- EDU L369: Late Summer- 6 weeks course, running August 4, 2025-August 27, 2025
- Registration Deadline for Summer One: Monday, May 19, 2025
- Registration Deadline for Summer Two: Monday, July 28, 2025
- Format: All courses are completely online via Canvas platform
- Credit: All courses are 3 undergraduate credit hours
- Grading: A-F grade scale
- $372 per course for VA in-state residents
- Out-of-state or non-citizen status subject to additional capital fees
Summer I Classes
The course will focus on developing an understanding of social and emotional learning by focusing on the five core competencies of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. We will learn why social and emotional learning is important and how it impacts student success both inside and outside of the classroom. Finally, we will learn approaches to incorporate social and emotional learning into our classroom practices.
Access to and the effective use of current and emerging technologies are essential elements for contributing to a deeper learning experience for students. This class is designed to guide educators through the Virginia Standards of Learning for Digital Learning Integration. This guided exploration of the standards also includes the curation and creation of resources, strategies, and lesson activities to help educators create learning experiences that empower student learners.
The class is designed to study and examine how a growth mindset can increase engagement, improve results, and inspire students in the classroom.
This course is designed to help educators teach higher-level reading concepts at a lower readability level. We will use texts by Dr. Seuss to address higher-level reading vocabulary and reading strategies.
This course is designed to refresh your conceptual knowledge of statistics while gaining a greater understanding of statistical thinking skills. We will explore statistical concepts through real-world applications and problem-solving. This course will cover descriptive statistics, probability, probability distributions, sampling, confidence intervals, statistical inference, and hypothesis testing, and linear correlation and regression. Throughout the course, we will also discuss various methods of teaching these statistical topics.
Summer II Classes
Trauma has a severe, lasting, and pernicious effect on the brains and learning of students, from young children to adolescents. The educational community is awakening to the realization that they must address the underlying effects on learning readiness in students impacted by trauma. In many cases, this must happen BEFORE the student can effectively learn. In effect, we have to go back before “square one” to SQUARE ZERO, the thing that happened to the student before he or she ever entered the classroom, and that must be understood and treated before making erroneous assumptions about behavior or study habits. This course is designed to introduce educators to those effects, give them tools to recognize students who may be impacted, offer suggestions for connecting with professionals and resources who can help, and help them to better understand the needs of impacted students.
If you are working in the field of education it is likely that you will encounter a student with autism sometime during your career. This course is designed to help educators understand autism and how it impacts students educationally and socially in the school setting. The course will also introduce you to some basic strategies and interventions that have been proven effective in teaching and supporting students with autism. The focus will be on practical information that can be applied immediately. This is an introductory level course. The information provided would be beneficial to special education teachers(with limited knowledge of the subject), general education teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, and parents.
Providing 21st-century learners with engaging, meaningful learning experiences can be challenging. By providing digital learners with opportunities to use technology, instructional content can be reinforced and retained. The Google Apps for Education course provides teachers with opportunities to learn about and use Google Apps in an educational setting. Teachers will begin the course with an introduction to Google Apps followed by an in-depth look at each specific Google App. Included in the course are helpful ideas and strategies for utilizing Google Apps in the classroom. Finally, an exploration into the Chrome Web Apps, followed by helpful guides for following copyright laws and policies is provided.
This course is designed to help educators target struggling readers in their classrooms and examine the different areas that could be causing their individual weaknesses. The course content will include exploring techniques and strategies that target the five main components of reading: phonological/phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. The course will provide an online community where educators can explore these areas together and begin to formulate new and exciting ways to target specific areas of reading difficulty in their classrooms.
Math C406 is designed to refresh your conceptual knowledge of algebra while gaining a greater understanding of algebraic thinking skills. We will explore algebra concepts through real-world applications and problem-solving. This course will cover topics including linear equations, inequalities, polynomials, quadratic equations, rational expressions, and rational equations. Throughout the course, we will also discuss various methods of teaching these algebraic topics. This class is designed to be a truly supportive learning community where students can learn and work together in an online format. Since there are no face-to-face meetings, students are required to post on a teaching tip forum each week to share activities and ideas. Students are also required to submit homework every week.
Math C407 is designed to refresh your conceptual knowledge of geometry while gaining technology tools to enhance your geometry classroom. Explore geometry concepts through real-world applications that combine technology and problem-solving skills to make math exciting and challenging for today's learners. Throughout the course, we will also discuss various methods of teaching these geometric topics. This class is designed to be a truly supportive learning community where students can learn and work together in an online format. Since there are no face-to-face meetings, students are required to post on a teaching tip forum each week to share activities and ideas. Students are also required to submit homework weekly or biweekly.