About Us
The Center for Teaching Excellence at The University of Virginia’s College at Wise was established to enhance the quality of public education.
The Center is committed to serving the professional development and in-service needs of teachers and administrators in the PK-12 schools of Virginia. Seeking to enhance the quality of education by improving the instructional quality of teachers and administrators, The Center for Teaching Excellence assists professional school personnel in the acquisition, understanding, and use of knowledge in their academic disciplines; developing and effectively using pedagogical skills and competencies in their instruction; addressing and successfully meeting the Standards of Learning established by the State Board of Education; and addressing and successfully meeting the legislative mandates set forth by the federal and state government.
The CTE offers undergraduate-level courses that meet the needs of those with provisional license seeking full licensure and those with full licenses seeking recertification.
The University of Virginia’s College at Wise has been approved by Virginia to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. NC-SARA is a voluntary, regional approach to state oversight of postsecondary distance education.
CTE Partnerships
- Appalachian Writing Project. The Appalachian Writing Project (AWP) works with the CTE to provide summer institutes and online courses to assist educators in the teaching or writing and providing expertise on how to motivate reluctant writers. In the recent past, the AWP has worked with the CTE in a successful trip to Ireland and review of Irish authors.
- Southwest Virginia Public Education Consortium. The Southwest Virginia Public Education Consortium (SVPEC) and the CTE partner to provide the Annual Southwest Virginia Leadership Conference. Held each October, this conference serves as professional development to assist in keeping building and district-level administrators up to date on educational issues and the latest trends in education.
- STREAMWISE. STREAMWISE is a new multi-faceted approach to STREAM education outreach. Building upon the talent and expertise of UVA Wise faculty and staff, this program bridges P12 outreach efforts throughout the region. Programming includes community skills training, future project-based courses for middle and high school students, after-school and summer programming for P12, special focused yearlong programming, experiential learning opportunities for college students, research collaboration opportunities, and professional learning for educators.