Summer I

Showing 16 Results

  • The course will focus on developing an understanding of social and emotional learning by focusing on the five core competencies of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. We will learn why social and emotional learning is important and how it impacts student success both inside and outside of the classroom. Finally, we will learn approaches to incorporate social and emotional learning into our classroom practices.

    Rick Bolling

  • Access to and the effective use of current and emerging technologies are essential elements for contributing to a deeper learning experience for students. This class is designed to guide educators through the Virginia Standards of Learning for Digital Learning Integration.  This guided exploration of the standards also includes the curation and creation of resources, strategies, and lesson activities to help educators create learning experiences that empower student learners.

    Daniel Vanover

  • The class is designed to study and examine how a growth mindset can increase engagement, improve results, and inspire students in the classroom.

    Selena Kiser

  • This course is designed to help educators teach higher-level reading concepts at a lower readability level. We will use texts by Dr. Seuss to address higher-level reading vocabulary and reading strategies.

    Ashley Boggs

  • This course will focus on the study of the foundations of education and the teaching profession as a whole. It will include reviewing the historical, philosophical, and sociological foundations underlying the role, development, and organization of public education in the United States. Participants will review the legal status of teachers and students, including federal and state laws and regulations; school as an organization and culture; and contemporary issues and current trends in education, including the impact of technology on education. Local, state, and federal governance of schools, including the roles of teachers and schools in communities will be reviewed. Professionalism and ethical standards, as well as personal integrity,  will be addressed. Students will be required to exhibit knowledge and understanding of Virginia’s guidelines for uniform performance standards and evaluation criteria for teachers.

    Dante Lee

    Deandra Jones

  • This course is designed to provide information on balanced reading instruction in grades PreK-6. Specific topics addressed will include theories/models of the reading process, language acquisition, phonemic awareness, word identification strategies (sight vocabulary, phonics knowledge, structural analysis, and contextual analysis), vocabulary development strategies, comprehension strategies, reading-writing connections, and assessments (formal and informal). 

    LeAnn Gunther

    Ashley Boggs

  • The principles and processes of human development from birth to adolescence are presented. Emphasis is placed on the development of the whole child.

    Kimberly Austin

    Tonya Deel

  • A survey of the field of special education. Emphasis is on techniques for integrating students with intellectual, emotional, social, and physical handicaps into the least restrictive educational environment. Students will review legal aspects that include an understanding/application of regulatory requirements and expectations associated with the identification, education, and evaluation of students with disabilities. 

    Priscilla Brame

    Lara Kennedy

    Cindy Bates

  • This course is designed to help students identify the definition and characteristics associated with specific disabilities and the learning and behavioral needs of students with those disabilities as they access the general education curriculum at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. The disabilities discussed in this course are: learning disabilities, emotional disabilities, intellectual disabilities, developmental delay, autism, other health impairments, traumatic brain injury, and multiple disabilities.

    Stacey Sturgill

  • In this course, we will be examining various aspects of student assessment including test construction, administration, scoring, and interpretation of results. We will focus on the use of test data to make educational decisions for students, with an emphasis on developing programs for students with special needs. Attention will be given to both norm-referenced tests and curriculum-based assessments.

    William Allison

  • The goal of this course is to prepare special education teacher candidates to develop high-quality IEPs, and design and implement services that accurately reflect those IEPs. One of the most important and challenging duties of a Special Educator is the development of Individualized Education Plans. Designed to ensure that a student with a disability receives a free and appropriate education, an IEP is a legally binding document that outlines exactly what services and accommodations a school system will provide for a student with a disability. This course will take students through the process of eligibility determination and IEP development, with an emphasis on the associated state guidelines and legal responsibilities. Students completing this course will learn about and practice the steps to developing an IEP for students participating in a general education curriculum and the Virginia K-12 Standards of Learning. How to organize and implement services, as well as how to objectively measure and monitor progress will also be addressed. Students will be required to develop a sample IEP and create a plan for implementation. There will be ample opportunities for participants to exchange feedback, ideas, and suggestions.

    Cindy Bates

  • The purpose of this course will be to examine and discuss elements of teaching history and social sciences in the elementary and middle school grades. Participants will discuss methods of instruction based upon the knowledge, skills, and processes of history and the social sciences that are necessary for teaching content in the classroom. Assignments will address a variety of strategies of instruction, observation of the history and social science classroom at the elementary and/or middle-level grades, construction of lesson plans for daily, unit and semester planning, and completion of a textbook critique.

    Gequetta Bright

  • In this course, we will be examining various aspects of student assessment including classroom and state assessment. It will examine the relationship between assessment and effective instruction at all stages of instruction: before, during, and after. The course will focus on the collection and evaluation of data that inform instructional planning, assessment tools for gathering data prior to instruction, design, and implementation of effective formative assessments, and development of summative assessments appropriately aligned to learning targets. The course will emphasize the importance of the integration of assessment before, during, and after instruction as essential to student learning success.

    Rick Bolling

    Andrew Cox

  • This course is designed to provide future special education teachers extensive study in preparing students with disabilities to make transitions throughout their educational experience and into adulthood.  Course participants will study strategies that will enable them to prepare students and work with families to provide successful student transitions throughout the educational experience to include post-secondary training, employment, and independent living which addresses an understanding of long-term planning, career development, life skills, community experiences and resources, self-advocacy, and self-determination, guardianship and legal considerations. Participants will identify strategies that are essential in teaching life skills to students and are necessary to achieve the greatest level of personal independence.  This course will prepare students to work with families, students with disabilities, and related agencies to plan and prepare for transitional needs that will enhance each student’s capacity for personal independence.

    Lara Kennedy

  • The purpose of this course will be to study how humans and their environments (both physical and cultural) interact.  Course topics will focus on describing and analyzing geography, population, migration, culture, languages, religions, ethnicity & race, political geography, food & agriculture, development, industry, services & settlements, urban patterns and resource issues.

    Gequetta Bright

  • This course is designed to refresh your conceptual knowledge of statistics while gaining a greater understanding of statistical thinking skills. We will explore statistical concepts through real-world applications and problem-solving. This course will cover descriptive statistics, probability, probability distributions, sampling, confidence intervals, statistical inference, and hypothesis testing, and linear correlation and regression. Throughout the course, we will also discuss various methods of teaching these statistical topics.

    Tina Nunley